Sunday 16 February 2014


In April I become a Superannuitant. This should entitle me to a Super Gold card from the day of my birthday. But there’s a snag.

Today I phoned the Seniors’ department of whatever they are calling themselves now. It used to be WINZ.

I have made 9 called to this department but only actually managed to get to talk to someone twice.

2 out of 9 is fairly bad.

Sometimes the voice just says we’re too busy to talk to you, phone later – then there’s a click and silence. 
Other times the voice tells you how busy they are and you are to wait, (and wait, and wait). The shortest wait time seems to be 10 minutes. I made my lunch and ate it before they answered for real.
Anyway, the main point of this diatribe is that the helpful man at WINZ senior’s call centre said:

“If you are already receiving government assistance, you don’t get the Gold Card that you are entitled to on your 65th birthday until 3 weeks after your birthday. This is policy”.
If you are any other person, you get it right on the dot of becoming 65.

This may only be a small thing in the grand scheme of things, and many people say ‘Don’t sweat the small stuff”. However there are other folk that say “It’s the thin edge of the wedge”.
I’m the latter type.  If you don’t pay attention to government erosion of rights and entitlements, one day you may find you haven’t got any.

Governments do not make sweeping changes very often. They play the long game.  They figure most people won't notice, and if they do, they won't care much about small changes.
New Zealander's are pretty apathetic about most things, and probably don't deserve to have other people going to bat for them. But I am affected, and I care about me!
I phoned the office of my local politician and the electorate agent had a very hard time defending the policy.  I can have that effect on people sometimes. Apparently this was the first call they have had on this matter in 5 years!
It is wrong to delay this entitlement and makes 2nd class citizens of a large section of the community. Even if for only 3 weeks.  It matters.

The policy should be changed, even if it does necessitate a law change to make it right.
It’s a small thing – even  the National mob (Republican/Tory equivalents) should be able to manage that.   I doubt they will since they don’t seem to like their less affluent citizens, and probably think delaying their Gold Card for 3 weeks  serves them right for being in receipt of the state's largess immediately prior to their 65th birthday.