Monday 7 May 2012

The Kim Dotcom / John Banks Saga

What fun!  When was the last time you had so much fun at the expense of a politician?

Kim Dotcom might not be the squeaky-cleanest guy on earth but as far as I can see he has done New Zealand nothing but good.  One cannot say the same for what NZ has done to him.

What did Kim Dotcom do for New Zealand?
  • He brought in a shitload of cash
  • He hired loads of people to tart up the mansion and do other stuff. 
  • He provides jobs - and Lord knows, NZ sure needs more of them!
  • He gave Auckland a very decent fireworks display. 
  • His neighbors love him. 
  • He has done NZ no harm. (well, he did drive a wee bit fast and scare a few horses)
  • H'e provided more fun with politicians than anyone else has done so far, and on that basis alone, we should be thankful

What did New Zealand do for Kim Dotcom?
  • NZ  refused to let him buy property in New Zealand even though they had given him residency -All because one particularly uptight politician came over all righteous.
  • At the behest of USA, NZ swarmed all over his place with armed police - 73 of them, I believe. And all to arrest 1 man!  Talk about Keystone Cops.
  • NZ chucked him in jail. 
  • NZ refused bail until the appeals went up the food chain and he finally got a judge who had a few marbles.
  • NZ seized all his assets (this only doing other New Zealanders harm as they couldn't get paid for their work for him - how dumb is that!)
  • John Banks, esteemed only politician for the near defunct Act party, who was all over him like a rash before the Yanks made their move, suddenly dropped him like a hot brick.
  • The Prime Minister, John Key, in whose electorate Kim Dotcom lives, maintains he'd never heard of the guy until the day before the police raid.  Yeah right, John.

I hope Kim Dotcom stays, though I can't see alot of reasons why he should want to, apart from the great Kiwi people , the great scenery, etc etc. (Message to Kim: - Never let the bastards grind you down!)

I would have thought Kim Dotcom is exactly the sort of person New Zealand needs to attract - a smart, larger-than-life character with ideas and cash. What's not to like?

But this is New Zealand, folks. You know how it is here. NZ  keeps chucking out good folk for small reasons and keeping the no hopers who use up our welfare and health resources and the ones who use NZ as a staging post hoof off to Australia as soon as they can.

Enjoy the video - this is the tv3 version. Shorter than the original but the video is better

If you want the full Kim Dotcom rap (longer, better sound quality,  and much funnier graphics)
try the version below

Saturday 21 January 2012

The Australian Open - Tennis

I've been watching the Aussie Open.  Most of the time I've been wondering why we are having to endure so may games featuring grunting and shrieking women.  We also have to endure endless Australians of both sexes. We could have watched Tsonga or Monfils - we could have watched our own Marina Erakovic but did we - Hell No!

But today I found out why we are getting this woeful coverage! After watching the camera trained on the cleavage of a delightful young lady as she bent to wait for the serve, then being treated to the shapely derriere of another young woman walking back to her court position, I now know this has nothing to do with women's tennis as a sport.  It's just that men like watching young women in skimpy outfits on  courts. And Aussie is a bigger bully than us so we have to watch what they want on SKY.

I have long held the opinion that the male audience is also the reason why women's netball gets so much TV airing. While I can see the point of participating in netball, I've yet to find great merit in watching it. Maybe I'm just not really into scantily clad women jiggling their bits while advertising their best features.

Or maybe I'm missing the point somehow - after all - no-one is forcing the lasses to bare almost all - maybe it's all some mate-attracting ritual that I never quite got into.

Thursday 12 January 2012

The Lake Hayes Dark Ages A&P show Beer-brewing Competition

After all the brew-haha of the female beer-maker being banned from the Lake Hayes A&P show 'Blokes Only' Beer Brewing competition, I had a look at their website - The first line of which reads "We not only hold the traditional events but have created 21st century events."
Look for yourself if you don't believe me!
Are these people for real?  In the 21st century they think gender makes a difference to beer-brewing ?  I did a fair amount of beer brewing in the 20th century.My brews  seemed pretty much unaffected by me being female. My stout didn't seem to mind my gender either.
What a bunch of wallies this Lake Hayes Brewing Competition organisers must be - more like stuck in the dark ages than having advanced to the 21st century.
Or maybe this is a blokey 'traditional event'?

  Picture courtesy of below website

Maybe a read of this page will enlighten our southern cousins.

Maybe they are just afraid a female will win!
I recall when a female friend of mine shot the won a couple of deer shooting awards.  The Dearstalkers' Association had a tradition of putting the winner's whole first and last names on the trophy, but in a break with this tradition, they put my friends first initial instead of her whole name.  Can't have any female names on the trophy now, can we - would ruin the image!
My friend took the trophy straight to an engraver and got 'Mrs.' put in front of her name.

Thank God I'm not a country girl!